Multiple Restaurants in a single checkout

What do we solve?

Finding the right restaurant, searching for the perfect dish, adding it to the cart, checking out, entering the payment details, and hitting that Big Place Order button Times two.

Available on IOS & Android


Our Amazing Features

Single Checkout

No more you have to pay separately for orders from different restaurants. Our solution provides a single checkout

Special Combinations

You can also get special combinations from your famous restaurants and get them in a single delivery.

Track Multiple Orders

Now you can track your multiple orders from different restaurants efficiently.


How it will work?

Now you can add your orders from multiple restaurants to your cart together. Not only that you will also be able to pay for them in a single checkout process. No more resistance in ordering from multiple restaurants.

Single Checkout

Special Combinations

Track Multiple Orders

Track Multiple Order

Testimonials (Prototype Testing)

Customer's Opinion

"We planned to have a house party on those Diwali, and as in a house party everyone has their taste, someone wants pizza, and someone wants Dosa, etc. so we used Swiggy to order the food and we end up facing the same issue of only able to buy single order from a single place which ends up causing us to place 3-4 different order to make our house party possible, an underwhelming and unpleasantly complicating experience. I feel this Prototype feature is a hidden oasis for water the customer’s needs for multiple food orders"

Shubham Joshi  

"This is really an awesome solution for Swiggy and they should implement it. I personally like Pizza from Domino's and one of my friend likes pizza of Pizza Hut. So, everytime when we have to place the order we have to place it differently. But this solution can solve my problem. Thankyou 🤗



Special Combinations

Register for Early Access

It will be available for Beta testing soon.

This is not related to Swiggy in any way, It's a project for the APM Cohort - Next Leap.